- 好抵呀~
- 新春優惠 : Primal 急凍生肉狗/貓糧, 數量有限, 售完即止
- 優惠活動: 指定寵物用品, 去舊迎新即亨享有88折優惠
- 凡購買 INTERSAND Odour Lock 任何三包12或14kg 貓砂, 即送簡約風保温瓶一個 [顏色隨機]
- Akika 漁極罐頭滿$200,送零食x1包
- Animalkind 限時優惠貓狗乾糧8折
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- 買3送1優惠: Applaws 指定味道貓罐頭
- Blue Buffalo 狗乾糧全線低至65折
- Blue Buffalo 貓乾糧全線低至65折
- Canagan狗產品滿$580即送狗新年玩具
- Canagan貓產品滿$580即送貓新年玩具
- Cirius Pet 雙11優惠
- 購買任何尿墊超過180元 即送一包Charm 狗糧340g - 口味隨機
- Green Petfood InsectDog Mini 乾糧 900g x 5包/箱, 即送1包潔齒骨
- 新春優惠 Harlow Blend 楓葉00貓貓罐頭, 每罐平至$10
- 凡購買Odour Lock 12kG 藍 / 綠 / 白色體驗砂任何3包, 即送 Intersand 灰色貓砂墊
- Meadowland 貓狗糧滿$499, 送牛肉+青口小食
- 新春大優惠買Meadowland 狗乾送凍乾零食
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- 買MicrocynAH神仙水/PhD日常養生系列滿$300送黃亞瑪大頭抹手布
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- 凡購物滿$300, 以$38換購QMONSTER貓貓玩具棒一支 [價值: 68.00]
- 凡購買任何 Ownat貓乾糧3kg, 即送Ownat 貓濕包85g 一包
- 凡購買任何Ownat狗乾糧 3kg 即送 乳膠發聲玩具一個! *款式及顔色隨機*
- 凡購買任何Ownat貓乾糧8kg送Magic CoCo 椰子貓砂
- 買Push! - 噗滋包25包優惠送古幸暖風機
- Royal Canin 雙11優惠
- TRILOGY 貓乾糧 1.8kg x 2, 即送細糧筒8L一個
- TRILOGY奇境貓乾糧糧滿399元送 Clean Step 豆腐貓砂
NuturVet Herbal Flea Powder 草本天然殺蚤乾洗粉 4oz
Herbal Flea Powder
With Essential Oils
Can be used directly on dogs and cats over the age of six weeks.
For Use On Dogs And Cats:
NaturVet Herbal Flea Powder can be used directly on dogs and cats over the age of six weeks.The unique natural combination of Thyme, Lemongrass and Rosemary Oil repels fleas while deodorizing and absorbing excessive skin oils. NaturVet Herbal Flea Powder will leave your pet with a fresh and pleasant fragrance.
For Use On Any Pet Bedding:
NaturVet Herbal Flea Powder can be used on any type of pet bedding, such as pillows, foam beds, blankets and cat condos. The natural effectiveness of Thyme, Lemongrass and Rosemary Oil repels fleas while providing superior deodorization leaving your pet’s bed with a pleasant fragrance.
Can be used directly on dogs and cats over the age of six weeks.
For Use On Dogs And Cats:
NaturVet Herbal Flea Powder can be used directly on dogs and cats over the age of six weeks.The unique natural combination of Thyme, Lemongrass and Rosemary Oil repels fleas while deodorizing and absorbing excessive skin oils. NaturVet Herbal Flea Powder will leave your pet with a fresh and pleasant fragrance.
For Use On Any Pet Bedding:
NaturVet Herbal Flea Powder can be used on any type of pet bedding, such as pillows, foam beds, blankets and cat condos. The natural effectiveness of Thyme, Lemongrass and Rosemary Oil repels fleas while providing superior deodorization leaving your pet’s bed with a pleasant fragrance.
For Animal Use Only. Keep Out of Reach of Children.
Thyme Oil .25%
Lemongrass Oil .5%
Rosemary .5%
Calcium Carbonate, Cellulose, Silica (Crystalline Free), and Magnesium Stearate.
Total Inerts (98.75%)
Directions For Use on Dogs & Cats:
Apply NaturVet Herbal Flea Powder on body and neck, around ears and on tail. Will not interfere with other spot-on products such as Advantage® (trademark of Bayer). Use as often as needed.
Directions for use on bedding:
Sprinkle NaturVet Herbal Flea Powder directly on top of pet bedding, or inside pet bedding. Use as often as needed.
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